Tag Archives: mobile marketing

Mobile Conversion success.

Mobile Conversion is the hot topic in todays marketing.   How are we using new techniques to enhance our mobile conversation analytics, and to connect more closely with our core consumers?   This article takes a look at he success seen by some of the world’s best brands, and the...

A Short Video can drive mobile success

Video has always driven marketing and brand stories, but we are finding that Short Video captures the attention of mobile users best.   Check out the research as show on mobile marketing website and gain a better understanding of how it might affect your online and mobile marketing platforms.   ...

Coca-Cola Mobile Strategy

    Coca-Cola Mobile Strategy: ‘Phone In One Hand, Coke In The Other’ CMO EXCLUSIVES | January 15, 2014 by Giselle Abramovich Senior & Strategic Editor CMO.com As he has for the past three years, Tom Daly, group director for global connections at Coca-Cola, opened Mobile Marketer’s Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2014 conference in...

Does Beacon Technology work? GeoTagging?

We believe that there are tremendous opportunities in developing app’s and geotagging programs that connect your consumer more closely to your experience whether it is in supporting customer loyalty campaigns, shopping programs, incentives, awards, or pushing sales there are many new innovative way’s of building value for your consumer.  Customer...