Tag Archives: digital media

Social Marketing results and trends

Our friend Robert Fleming is posting up another brief overview of the social media trends and tendencies that are driving the social media world today.  Check them out as it may influence your thoughts on your social media programs for next year.    social marketing / social sharing buttons increase...

2014 Social Media Landscape

The scope of Social Media is an ever changing landscape and we as marketeers need to be focused on that every changing relationship that our consumers have with social media as well as how they utilize social media to engage with people, brands, products, networks, relationships, and more.   Only...

What is our Digital World looking like?

You are tired of hearing me state this, but to succeed in today’s digital world we need to be sensitive to the consumers we serve.   We cannot chase every new digital experiment that comes to market.  We cannot time and again test new technologies and throw them away after...

Is Traditional Media making a comeback – It has to be part of the marketing mix.

Clients of The Page Group have always been guided to the premise that it is a blending of effective marketing across all platforms and channels that creates a successful campaign.   We recommend not rushing to new technologies until you understand how your customers are engaging and using those technologies....