Personal Branding Secret’s of Social Media Superstar’s.

The Page Group often talks with clients about strategy and relevancy in their social media campaigns.   At TPG Brand Strategy our branding secret’s include wanting to make sure that all marketing efforts deliver on a consistent message and promise everywhere that the consumer touches the company or brand.   This is especially important today as we have so many marketing channels that influence consumers, and confusion in messaging will disenfranchise consumers as they loose confidence in their brands.  So TPG recommends that you absorb those idea’s given below and analyze how they impact your social media practices, but be sure that your brand message is always consistent as well.   Social media is a great tool but we need to consistently reinforce the brand attributes of your company every opportunity we have.

Branding Secrets Revealed 

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Ever wonder how certain people become social mediasuperstars? How average, everyday people – not your typical celebrity – amass tens of thousands of Twitter followers, get “verified” on both Twitter and Facebook,and earn sponsorships just because of their social media status? While you may be surprised that many social media “superstars” still have to work a 9-5 to pay the bills, their influence on the internet has earned many of them products and trips that you and I will likely never experience. I recently sat down with four of these social media superstars and asked them what their secret is for building such a high profile personal brand.

Ask What Does My Community Get From this Post and Create A Posting Filter

“I refer to my online army as my teammates because I couldn’t be successful in my career without them. From day one on social media I have used a filter of 3 key values that are important to me, to make sure I always stay true to my brand on anything I post. The number one goal of my filter is to add my best value to my online community, it’s all about what do they get from my posts? My filters that I go through for every platform I use on social media are impact, inspire and inform. My posts or content need to do one of those things or I don’t press upload.

So far my community has responded with amazing force and support. I encourage everyone to use a giving strategy on social media and feel this power, it’s addicting and builds such an amazing social media army full of wonderful teammates.”

– Jenni Hogan, Emmy-award winning TV host and Founder and CEO of TVinteract, a social TV app she created that empowers on-air talent to interact with their viewers live.

Focus, Partner, Repurpose and Use Good Headlines

“Focus. Before you start pinning, posting and tweeting, consider what you’re passionate about and what type of online persona you’d like to build. Be focused and make sure your social media content reinforces your passions, goals and objectives. Does posting what you had for breakfast support your passions and goals? If you’re a nutritionist or chef, yes. If you’re a technology expert, I’m not so sure.

Partner. Don’t underestimate the power of partnering with other content providers. It’s easier to build a following by posting blog content where there is existing traffic than by building a fan base off your own site. For example, every time I post a blog on AdAge my social media following grows exponentially.

Repurpose. Don’t assume your posts, pins or post can only be published once. I have a folder on my desktop filled with blog posts and I often repurpose content, tips, lines and ideas to create new posts.

Headlines. Don’t under estimate the power of a good headline or phrase in a tweet to generate interest. There is a great SlideShare posted by the team at that details lessons they learned A/B testing headlines and the power of a strong lead-in phrase and the impact it can have on traffic.”

– Porter Gale, a start-up advisor, public speaker and author of Your Network Is Your Net Worth. She is also the former VP of Marketing at Virgin America.

Research Your Competition

“It pays to know the big players in the game. It’ll sharpen your skills, and help you differentiate yourself. You then have to find the right people who can help you transition yourself from point good to point awesome. How do you do this? By Networking Without Borders, meaning you should never let artificial barriers get in the way of connecting with the right people. At the same time, develop a plan. Be sure to master the 30 second pitch for your ideas. You never know who you will cross paths with at conferences. The right plan can give you tremendous credibility. So aim high, and don’t be afraid to elevate your brand to new heights.”

– Sean Gardner, a consultant and correspondent for Social Media Week, Huffington Post, and Smedio, was named by Forbes as one of the Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers in 2013.

Go Explore Beyond Your Industry

“If you are trying to build your brand, you need to make sure you take time to go explore different online industry events outside of your own industry that could benefit from your business. I’ve gotten some of the best exposure being the only person who offers my services on Google GOOG +2.55% Hangouts and Twitter hashtag chats outside of my industry. It’s also a great way to build communities and relationships beyond your circle of peers.”

– Amber Osborne, the Chief Marketing Officer of Meshfire, a new Social Media Management tool for teams.

What branding secrets do you have for building your personal brand online? Share your thoughts and open a dialogue that challenges us all to live up to higher levels of social media relevance with our followers and friends. 

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  1. replica bags says:

    Personal Branding Secret’s of Social Media Superstar’s.

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