Building your brand is not easy, but there are steps you can take to facilitate it with less anxiety. We all know that building a highly connected brand and brand story is critical to successfully connecting with your core audience. The Page Group’s main business is assisting developing companies in connecting more closely with their core audience thru highly effective brand strategies. Jenny once again has written a good article on this topic which we are glad to share with our wonderful clients and supporters..
Building Your Brand: 3 Ways You Can Inspire Employees To Represent Your Brand
Jenny Holt
June 11, 2018

building your brand
The right brand can mean better bottom lines for your company, increased customer loyalty and of course, increased company value. When you think of branding, you automatically go to signage and marketing materials but it is and can be so much more than that. Your customer service, your website, your customer experience and even your employees all represent your business and is how customers perceive you.
Similar to your products and website representing who you are, your employees are an extension of what your business stands for and are highly trusted by consumers. In fact, 41 percent of us think employees are the most trusted information source. To build a strong brand, committed and connected employees are a must along with their inclusion as brand ambassadors. Tapping into the talent of your employees is a great way to harness the benefits to build your image, and make your employees feel valued. Here are three ways you can encourage your employees to be brand advocates.
Harness and Encourage Social Platforms
If there is one trend in business that has massively reshaped the way consumers think and how businesses operate, it is the progression into the digital era. Social media platforms and e commerce have become integral to a business’s strategy and now more than ever, you need to harness the power and exposure that online branding can have for your business.
With an average of 81 percent of Americans having social networking profiles in 2017, chances are tremendously high that your employees have them too. A great way to use this is by asking your employees to simply engage with the business (and brand) online, such as following the account and sharing any posts. The result? It will act as word of mouth does and is then seen by the employee’s network of friends, thereby expanding the business’s reach.
Make Teambuilding A Priority
While there are ample opportunities for employees to represent your brand in their personal life and social accounts, a great way to get employees to become ambassadors is through the use of team building exercises. Team bonding activities can boost employee retention rates by as much as 79 percent. A happy, valued and engaged employee is the best tool a business can have in branding. Consider team building activities available in your city and internal activities such as recognition events, retreats and holiday parties. The benefits to the company are twofold. Firstly, your employees are genuinely happy to represent the business and secondly, consumers can glimpse any social media posts from employees, positively influencing their perception.
Provide Activities for Wider Involvement
Getting your employee involved in your business can produce some innovative and modern ideas including way to get involved in the wider community. Provide opportunities for your employees to contribute in brainstorming ideas and to get involved in the company’s outreach programs. It can be as simple as sponsoring sports events in the employees local communities based on their recommendations or offering a guest employee blog spot on the company’s website each month.
Above all, be encouraging and flexible towards employees. This fosters an atmosphere of continuous development and appreciation. After all, a happy employee is a productive one. Seize every opportunity to engage your employees. Make the investment today and watch your brand value expand tomorrow.
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