Study: Changing trends in B2B & B2C mobile traffic

Marketing is changing and often today we see the transitioning between marketing strategies in the B2C world working their way over to the B2B world as adoption of new marketing techniques takes place.  It is all driven off of customer adoption of the technologies.   We obviously have seen this happen more rapidly in the cases of Facebook, and other social media.  Now it is happening in the mobile strategies space.   This recent study is one that points out how quickly this adoption is taking place in the B2B world with respect to mobile traffic and mobile technologies.  



BizReport : Mobile Marketing : August 04, 2014


Study: Soon B2B mobile traffic will outstrip B2C

Business to Consumer (B2C) businesses have traditionally led Business to Business (B2B) brands in both online and mobile traffic. However, according to new data out from Usablenet that is about to change. Their data shows, thanks to the rapid adoption of mobile by B2B brands, mobile traffic to their sites will soon outpace B2C traffic.

by Kristina Knight

Reading reviews, comparing features and pricing are just a few of the things B2B customers are doing in the mobile space, and their adoption of mobile platforms is what will soon push B2B brands ahead of B2C’s for mobile traffic. That according to new data out from Usablenet which shows that while m:commerce accounts for less than 10% of B2B sales more than half are shifting transactions from offline to online or self-serve options.”The percentage of B2B traffic coming from mobile will soon match the 22% of traffic from mobile on B2C sites,” was written in the report. “Mobile commerce appears to be the future of B2B selling for of companies. 48% of B2B companies reported plans to add a mobile sales channel.”The data further shows:

• 56% of B2B customers read reviews via mobile
• 55% read product details
• 50% compare features
• 48% compare prices

The reason is their customers’ rapid adoption of mobile platforms. That adoption mirrors the adoption of the mobile public, which shows a growing number watching videos, reading newspapers and other content and staying up to date with social networks via mobile devices. While B2B customers are doing all those things, about half (52%) are also using their mobiles to research products for their businesses.

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