Leadership skills we all should learn from…

Leadership requires skills that many can’t embrace.  This article by Matt Mover gives good lessons on what it really takes to empower a team and build an organization that is invested in working together to accomplish positive goals for the business.  We need to embrace the need to empower and build a team around us that contributes to the top of their abilities and not micro manage them, and we to will succeed in our businesses. 


My secret to leadership success my friends? “Building a team that brings you solutions instead of challenges, listening to and collaborating with them that ultimately prioritizes your focus on issues where you can have the most impact. Start by not just scratch items off the to do list. To me, productivity is directly related to the personal relationships you are able to develop with your team, family or friends.

Remember prioritize people over tasks everyday and focus on mentoring them.

Leadership is a set of choices, not a title or a box on an organizational chart. It means stepping up and being proactive to take on challenges, at any stage of life. To me, it’s about relentlessly pursuing the best interest of our people, clients, and community. And it’s impossible show great leadership unless you know what’s on the minds of clients and professionals. So, I spend a lot of time in the in the field with clients and with our teams serving those clients.

I have said many times in articles and intrviews that one of the biggest surprises has been the sheer velocity of business. It’s moving exponentially, faster than anyone could’ve predicted, and we need to be at the forefront helping our clients navigate it in order to keep up and help them differentiate themselves. And this has meant that we’ve had to shift and transform, and that can be challenging with so many people.

On trust, it’s really about authenticity and transparency. We live in a world where people can sense insincerity or corporate-speak from a mile away. Companies and leaders have to be authentic in tone, voice, and action. It’s not just about “saying the right thing” but talking about what matters most to your company and your people, and backing that up with action. Deeds not words my friends

On engagement, it’s about purpose and meaningful work. It’s finding assignments for people that stretch and challenge them, and make a real impact for our clients and our communities. It’s making our people feel entrepreneurial and that they are making a difference. In our organization, you’re literally one phone call away from being able to solve almost any problem that a client could face, in a way that I believe is really unique in the marketplace. That’s an energizing prospect as you come to work every day!

It’s also about our professionals feeling connected to their work environment, that they feel a sense of belonging and actually want to grow their careers here.

So by introducing the concept of a “culture of courage.” It’s a concept that resonates with a multi-generational workforce. It’s about driving a culture of innovation that gives us the freedom to experiment, try new things, or take a different approach to solving a challenge. This promotes diversity of thought and perspective, and creates an atmosphere where we try to shift to where bold thinking is the norm, not the rarity or one-off.

First, it’s about the culture of courage I just mentioned, and empowering our people to bring their best to work every day. Second, it’s about thinking of investing in our people as our R&D. You have to foster ideas about supporting our people at every stage of their careers—providing access to what’s important to them during their life’s journey, like fitness subsidies, continued learning opportunities and mentor-ship programs, community opportunities, retirement and pension benefits, and so on.

One is certainly taking “moments of recovery,” even if they are small. This includes not looking at my phone first thing when I wake up, and taking moments throughout the day. Another is prioritizing people over tasks. It may sound counter intuitive, but building a team that brings you solutions instead of challenges, listening to and collaborating with them—that ultimately prioritizes your focus on issues where you can have the most impact, not just scratch items off the to do list.

To me, productivity is directly related to the personal relationships you are able to build Remember my friends, life doesn’t go in a straight line, and you can’t predict where it will take you. But if you raise your hand, have confidence to do different things, take risks and build your capabilities, you will be seen as a leader

From an early age I was always competitive, whether that meant over breakfast cereal or 2-on-2 basketball. My two older brothers picked me to play, and they didn’t let up on the intensity just because I was in the game. I was just another player on the court. I appreciated that and helped me when competing with others my own age!

I grew up with a love for sports, playing varsity football basketball and baseball I served as the captain of both the football and basketball teams. Now, I enjoy golf, tennis, surfing and pool.

Keeping in mind that you need to get the small things right and the big things will come easier. And that you must be your best in the darkest moments. I admire grace under pressure.

My parents my mentors. My father worked three jobs sometimes. My mom worked while raising her kids.Together, they sent two kids through college and saved for their own grandchildren and retirement.

Among other things, I always look for curiosity and agility people who are committed to what they do and have a mindset of never graduating. With the innovation and disruption today, there’s never a point in time when we can stop learning. And the job you want will need someone to do may not exist yet today.

So I look for people who always stay curious, ask questions, and never stop learning my friends. Have a great weeks Go Bucs Super Bowl and Hard Knocks rock HBO!Give it a go?


Article as first posted on Linkedin.

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