CPG Marketing Insights study.

Our friends over at Wright Designs just completed a survey of several hundred marketing exec’s in the CPG marketplace.   Their insights are intriguing to ponder with respect to each of your business.   Check out what Dale and his team have to say, and see how their results can impact your point of view and marketing strategies.   I think you will find this research of significant interest. 



Wright Designs Survey of CPG Marketing Insights

August 4th

We recently completed a survey of over 200 CPG marketing people. The information provides insights on how Marketing Managers spend their time, who influences marketing decisions and other important CPG marketing issues.

The content is divided into three parts:

Report #1 focuses on how Marketing Managers spend their time and which members of CPG companies influence Brand Positioning, Package Design and Sales Materials.

Report #2 reports in more detail on package design and sales materials – how design firms are selected and why and how design decisions are made.

Report #3 covers a number of subjects including the use of slotting allowances, factors involved in selling supermarkets, club stores and mass merchants and reasons CPG marketers are satisfied or dissatisfied with their brand efforts in those three channels of distribution.

I hope you find the reports useful and will take a few minutes to give me your thoughts about the content.

Here’s a link to the PDF of the three reports:

Market Insights

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1 Comments to “CPG Marketing Insights study.”

  1. Quarnstrom says:

    Hey very interesting blog!

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