Auto Industry goes online to attract buyers.

In the following automotive research article some very important points come thru loud and clear about how we work to reach our buyers.  It has to be about connecting with them on a level that they want to engage, and with information that is appealing to them.  

Those who are engaged in looking for a new vehicle are actively engaged in using the web, mobile, and are active online doing their research.    They are impatient and need to find what they connect with quickly.   The industry is the #1 market for mobile use.   Mobile optimized sites drive almost 50% more traffic than non-optimized sites.   To succeed in this mobile world they have had to adopt programs that have MORE PERSONALIZED CONTENT to keep the customer engaged longer.   The number of pages that automotive buyers visit is among the highest there is.   Getting consumers to use the Car Builder Tools on their website is job #1 for the top dealers, and it works.   They have found that sites with more inter­ac­tive and per­son­al­ized tools receive greater than 20% more vis­i­tors than the aver­age auto­mo­tive site.    Scheduling a test drive is also critical to the buying decision and the ability to drive to that conclusion on the top sites is apparent. 

So what does this tell us?  It tells us a lot.   Personalization and directly speaking to those things that the consumer has interest is job #1.  If we understand their needs clearly then we can create and build tools that will capture the attention of our customers in more productive ways.   If we build tools that engage them in activities that they understand and desire to be a part of we will succeed.   If we know more than our competitors about our consumers, we can build tools that will truly impact our ability to beat out our competitors for their consumer dollars.  

It always starts with the customer first.  The Page Group has always believe this and feels that it is the critical element that most companies still don’t understand.   Many company’s only understand that they have a product that they need to sell, and it is about Pushing that product thru to the consumer that is important, but in todays world it is not the way in the marketplace.  Understanding the consumer and building the products and connections that benefit the consumer is job #1 for successful companies. 


Online Car Configurators Crucial For Attracting New Buyers

CMO EXCLUSIVES | September 19, 2013

by Brandon Hanson
Marketing Analyst
Adobe Digital Index


Just a few years ago, car buy­ers ven­tured into dealer lots to have a look at the lat­est mod­els, but more and more con­sumers are start­ing their new car shop­ping online.  Auto­mo­tive mar­keters are chal­lenged with tar­get­ing car buy­ers online, and then com­pelling them to visit their dealer loca­tions for pur­chase.  Now, audi­ence tar­get­ing tech­nol­ogy and sophis­ti­cated online car con­fig­u­ra­tors are begin­ning to opti­mize the pur­chase process for con­sumers and man­u­fac­tur­ers alike.

Adobe Dig­i­tal Index has ana­lyzed 1.1 bil­lion vis­its to auto­mo­tive web­sites, which include 12 of the top 15 auto­mo­tive man­u­fac­tur­ers, to look at how auto­mo­tive com­pa­nies are pro­gress­ing with con­vert­ing online vis­i­tors into buy­ers at the dealer loca­tions.  As one would expect, some web­sites are doing bet­ter than oth­ers. Those in the top 25% are listed as the “Best of the Best” below.

Mobile traf­fic is on the rise


Almost every car man­u­fac­turer has a tai­lored and mobile-optimized site, demon­strat­ing the auto­mo­tive industry’s com­mit­ment to tar­get­ing mobile traf­fic.  As a result, the auto­mo­tive indus­try is attract­ing more mobile vis­i­tors than all other indus­tries with the excep­tion of retail, travel and hos­pi­tal­ity.  We see a large dif­fer­ence in the abil­ity to attract mobile vis­i­tors between auto­mo­tive web­sites that are mobile-optimized and those that are not.  Non-optimized auto­mo­tive sites receive 11% of their vis­its from smart­phones and 7% of their vis­its from tablets, while mobile-optimized sites receive about 50% more traf­fic from these devices (up 5% and 4% respectively).

More vis­i­tors are stick­ing around, but not for long


While the auto­mo­tive com­pa­nies have been suc­cess­ful in draw­ing vis­i­tors to their web­sites, they have a short win­dow of time to con­vince vis­i­tors to select a car and phys­i­cally visit a dealer. Auto­mo­tive sites are among the low­est in min­utes per visit by indus­try, with only finan­cial ser­vices sites scor­ing lower.  Within auto­mo­tive sites, top per­form­ers tend to have more per­son­al­ized con­tent, lead­ing to greater engage­ment which enables them to keep vis­i­tors a full minute longer than aver­age.  Over­all, how­ever, the num­ber of pages viewed on auto­mo­tive web­sites is among the high­est of all indus­tries, with retail being the only indus­try with more pages viewed.

Get them to a dealer!


The main goal for any auto­mo­tive web­site is to drive web­site vis­i­tors to the dealer loca­tion. More and more con­sumers begin their shop­ping at an auto­mo­tive site’s car builder tool. Vis­i­tors can use the tool to select and design a car, find a dealer, and sched­ule a test drive.

Top per­form­ing auto­mo­tive web­sites engage more than 50% of their vis­i­tors with this tool, as con­sumers vir­tu­ally fil­ter down the cars they want to see. Engag­ing more vis­i­tors to play with a car builder tool is a crit­i­cal suc­cess fac­tor for any auto­mo­tive site. The Dig­i­tal Index data shows that sites with more inter­ac­tive and per­son­al­ized tools receive greater than 20% more vis­i­tors than the aver­age auto­mo­tive site.

Dri­ving cus­tomers from the con­fig­u­ra­tion tool to the dealer is another crit­i­cal suc­cess fac­tor.  We also see large dif­fer­ences in the suc­cess rate for the use of a dealer loca­tor.  The best auto­mo­tive com­pa­nies are engag­ing 30% more vis­i­tors to locate a vehi­cle and 60% more vis­i­tors to locate a dealer.

The final online event is to sched­ule a test drive.  Top auto­mo­tive sites have almost three times more vis­i­tors sched­ul­ing test dri­ves than the aver­age sites, which can trans­late to con­sumers walk­ing into deal­er­ships who are more qual­i­fied and likely to buy.

What steps do you take when you’re look­ing to buy a car? Do you Build your Car or Request a Test Drive, or are you more influ­enced by offline methods?

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