Tag Archives: content

2016 media trends

What media trends will drive and influence marketing in 2016.  This Inc. article begins to look into the answers to those questions and evaluate how media will change in the coming year.   Check it out and see how it fits with your plans and strategies.    Expect These 4...

Content Marketing may drive CMO success…

The Page Group looks at content marketing in a highly focused fashion.  We believe that you need to truly understand what is of interest to the consumer your are seeking and deliver on their expectations rather than inundate them with ton’s of content clutter.   This article speaks to those...

Distill Your Message to as Few Words as Possible

Your customers are constantly being bombarded with new information. Simplicity has never been more powerful. It’s amazing how complex our lives have become.  Nothing’s simple anymore.  Think about it.  Even your Facebook page has a million things going on.  The increase in complexity has led to a decrease in focus. ...