Tag Archives: customer loyalty

Customer Loyalty Programs work

The Page Group has worked with many clients to develop strategies that treat loyal consumers with small rewards and incentives to remain loyal consumers.   This strategy is not just for small clients or the major brands as there are strategies that can impact both markets provided you clearly understand...

Do Brand Leaders understand Social Media?

When it comes to Social Media, here’s why most Brand Leaders still don’t get it 29 September 2013   Every day we read about how Social Media is completely changing the landscape of marketing.  That’s a huge Statement.  Is it changing that much?  Has it changed you?  Or are you one...

Customer Retention is a companies top priority…

Customer Retention Should Outweigh Customer Acquisition CMO EXCLUSIVES | August 02, 2013 Too many CMOs looking to increase their company’s bottom lines are quick to look “out there” for a solution. They focus their efforts on acquiring new customers and pouring a large chunk of their marketing budgets into advertising or public...

Measuring Loyalty Program Activation & ROI

How To Measure Your Loyalty Program’s Incremental ROI CMO EXCLUSIVES | May 31, 2013 by Mickey Neuberger Vice President, Loyalty Strategy TIBCO Loyalty Lab Prior to launching a loyalty program, smart marketers build ROI models that forecast incremental profits based on anticipated lifts across three key customer revenue variables: average order size, yearly...