Color choice can affect your brand

Color is an influencer in our brand story.   We need to be conscious of its impact and how we use color as we present our brand story, and try to influence our consumers.  Click on the link that follows to learn more thru this good Forbes Video about how colors influence others. 


The Science behind color and their connections w/ your brand.

Take a very quick look at the following video to learn more about how your brands color, and the colors you choose in your advertising can affect the perception of those people who see your color story, and connect with your brand.   It is a very interesting perspective worth understanding.   BUT, remember that colors might have very different meanings in different cultures or in various levels of society, so you must also be aware of who your audience is and how they specifically related the color palette that you choose.   Enjoy the video.


Video from Forbes re: understanding how colors can influence your brand .

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