Tag Archives: apple

Apple Rules for Success

Apple Rules for Success is right on point.  Apparently the information below is handed out to new hires at Apple, and they are sage advice.   We all need to benefit from what is listed here…have integrity, be professional, our customers are our partners, look forward not back, create positive...

Untold story of Steve Jobs

FAST COMPANY THE STEVE JOBS YOU DIDN’T KNOW: KIND, PATIENT, AND HUMAN The untold story of Tim Cook’s friendship with Steve Jobs—and why Jobs wouldn’t let Cook try to save his life. BY RICK TETZELI AND BRENT SCHLENDER According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, he first learned about Steve’s need for a liver transplant in January...

Apple’s next step is coming

Our friend and consulting partner Bob Liljenwall has always been passionate about Steve Jobs and the Apple brand.  Check out his thoughts regarding the upcoming announcements from Apple as well as the attributes that the brand must fulfill to be successful in keeping consumers brand loyal. We’re waiting … what...

Don’t say you’re cool, be cool…

don’t say it, be it by denise lee yohn on June 26, 2013 · 0 Comments · in brand communication, marketing brand as business bit:  “Don’t say it, be it” – as in “ don’t say you’re cool, be cool… ” – has to be one of the most well-known principles in advertising.  And yet we see so...

Wearable Devices as seen by Apple’s Tim Cook

Wall Street Journal / BUSINESS Updated May 28, 2013, 11:34 p.m. ET Apple’s Cook Hints at Wearable Devices By SHIRA OVIDE and EVELYN M. RUSLI Lots of studies show Google leap frogging Apple in the mobile hardware business. Doesn’t that concern CEO Tim Cook?  No, he says – and then goes on to explain...