Tag Archives: Content marketing

Leveraging Content Marketing

Content marketing is the buzz word in today’s marketing conversations.  How do we leverage it to get the best results, and how can we expand the use of Content Marketing to be successful in capturing B2B clients and activations?  Thanks to our friends over at IQSdirectory.com for sending this along...

Content Marketing Research drives B2C engagement.

Content marketing is the buzz word of 2016, and many people are hoping to develop stronger marketing campaigns utilizing Content Marketing research and strategies, but do we really know what it is and how to maximize our benefits in pursuing this strategy?   Below is an article from Content Marketing...

Social Marketing results and trends

Our friend Robert Fleming is posting up another brief overview of the social media trends and tendencies that are driving the social media world today.  Check them out as it may influence your thoughts on your social media programs for next year.    social marketing / social sharing buttons increase...