Building brand loyalty is one of the key responsibilities for the marketing department. Here are some insights into how various companies have created apps that truly connect with consumers and build loyalty while also driving revenue. To truly be effective in developing these tools we must first understand...
Tag Archives: brand loyalty
Customer service builds brand loyalty … learn how.
Customer service is a critical element of fulfilling your brand promise to your loyal customers. If you truly want to build brand equity as well as brand loyalty you need to evaluate throughout your organization how the brand DNA is communicated and represented to those consumers. Customer Service is...
Branding includes the use of Employee Advocacy…
Truly successful brands use employee advocacy to communicate a consistent message to their customers every place that the consumer interacts with the company. Whether internally while that employee works and services the customer, or externally thru any social interaction that this employee has with others they can make an...
Emotional Branding or Lifestyle Branding are connecting with consumer.
The Page Group is a strong believer in connecting with their core client consumers in a very emotional and authentic way. We call it, for most consumer products, “Lifestyle Marketing” where we try to create a connection with the clients consumer in such a way that they feel vested...
Is your Brand Story Telling delivering on its promise?
When we craft and tell our brand story for our business it needs to connect with everyone from the employee’s inside the business, to the potential new hires joining your business to the consumers buying your products at retail. Your brand story and how it is told has a...
keys to building effective customer centricity strategies
Great insights on how important customer centricity is in todays marketing strategy. The following article speaks to 15 stats about customer centricity and how they can affect your business. The Page Group has always felt that to understand and focus on those things that the consumer connects with...
Building Trusted Brands
The goal of every company should be to build Trusted Brands. This article speaks to the importance a Trusted Brand brings to your organization in loyal consumers, higher book valuations, and most important of all trust. The Page Group speaks to these issues every day. Today’s marketing department...
A Companies Brand Culture influences the consumer
The Page Group has long expressed its belief that the CMO’s decisions regarding the Brands DNA, and his ability to assimilate it to every employee of the firm in an effective way can have more impact on the consumers brand connection with your company than most any other marketing decision...
Customer loyalty is job number 1 for the marketing department.
Here is a different twist on brand connections or how to build brand loyalty. Take a look. Common sense answers to a major question all of us must answer in our marketing roles. Mr. Gentle looks at loyalty at three different points in building that loyalty factor with your brand....
TPG Social Media